Magical Day

Today’s date has some recurring numbers as it is, 12-1-21. Tomorrow looks to be just as magical for it will be 12-2-21. There is always a bit of mystery and magic that unfolds if you are open to it.

I am excited for tomorrow because it is finally time to preg-check the girls and see who’s expecting a spring time joy. Typically, if things go as planed I try to breed in the winter to have spring time babies. Still learning and adjusting to getting timing just right. But its a work in progress.

I have 3 does that could potentially be bred. Only one of them was intentional. I kept a beautiful buckling out of this springs kids. Was hoping he would find his own herd by now, but since he is still available, bred him to one of my smaller does that I had bottle raised a few years ago. They were penned together for about a week and a half before he got board and managed to escape and crawl into the pen with the other does. I was wanting to wait and breed them later as my plan was. But, things happen for a reason right?

So tomorrow is the big day of checking via ultrasound. Will post again with more details soon.

Thanks for stopping in.

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